A downloadable game for Windows

Two player game:

       Paddle Moving:

              Left player:  w (move up) s (move down)

              Right player: up button   down button

       Stage property:

                     Getting special effect:

  • every 15s, one “red diamond” will be generated into the game canvas
  • Using paddle to touch flying “red diamond” to
    • shrink paddle and increase the moving speed of the paddle.
    • If miss it, the diamond will be destroyed


PongGame.rar 18 MB

Install instructions

Run the game:

  • Download the zip file
  • Open “Pong Game folder”, run ‘Pong.exe’.


Game feature

Window size resizable. Initial size: 1920*1080


Game Flow:

       Start a game:

Press the red button “Press Here to Start” to Start the game

       In game:

              See Game Control below

       After 30s from the start of the game:

  • ball will become smaller and
  • the speed of the ball will increase by time.

       After game:

              Showing static data “Times of ball hits Boundary” and “time of The longest round”

Choose to start a “New Game” with all static data initialize.

              Choose to start “Next Round” with all static data being kept to next round.

              Choose to “Quit” to quit the game, back to your desktop.